Often, changes we must make in a weight loss plan include doing things we don't feel like doing (exercising, keeping a food diary, being accountable for your decisions) as well as resisting temptations (not eating dessert, not snacking while watching TV, not sitting and relaxing at the end of the day when we're tired).
So how to you motivate yourself, propel yourself into these undesirable actions and behaviors, learn to think of them as positives and successes? You need to find your motivation.... why do you want the end result. Why should you do something you don't feel like doing, or deprive yourself of something so pleasant. The key is asking several "whys" when you come up with your reasons for weight loss.
A typical reason is "my health". But what does that mean? Do you really believe that sitting on the sofa tonight and not exercising is the 2 hours of your life that will make a difference in your blood pressure? Do you really think that this one piece of pie is going to give you diabetes?
So, you need to drill down the reasons: "I want to lose weight to look better".
Okay, what will that do for you? "I will have more self-confidence".
Okay, why is that important to you? "I won't be walking around feeling like I'm a failure because I can't keep weight off"
And how will that make you feel? "I will feel like a successful person when I lose weight and look better and I feel I will appear as a person in control of her actions. This will translate into people viewing me as competent, confident, and someone to look up to because I'm successful.
The bottom line is I will be successful at weight loss and this means I can be successful at other endeavors"

Now, when you walk by the cinnabon stand in the mall, what will you be thinking? "this one won't hurt?", "I've had a hard day and I deserve to treat myself?" or "I am a successful person who exercises self control. I can resist the cinnabon because I am in control of what I eat. I will walk by the bakery with my head held high and my resolve intact. I'm confident I can make that decision and be proud of myself for the rest of the day".
Drilling down "why" you want to lose weight can give you that motivation--for your looks, your health, your comfort, your pride, your appearance, etc etc.
Leave us one of your reasons and the subsequent "why" exercise in the comments section!
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